
Pictures Sell Homes and Real Estate

We better have lots of great pictures to list a […]


We better have lots of great pictures to list a house and doing a bad job with photos can tell a lot of stories you don’t want told.  So what do pictures mean?  Lets talk about it, K?

Blurry and Dark Photos-Nothing looks good blurry and no one ever buys a great house because of its lack of natural light.  Taking the time to steady the camera or using an easel is a must and always always always show lots of light.  It makes rooms bigger and shows off the best assets in a house.

1 photo-So its not worth taking pictures of?  The reason people don’t put photos of a house online is because it looks like crap or the seeing it will turn off potential buyers.  Even if the house is outdated or messy, take pictures.  After you have explained to the seller that they need to do some prep for photos, take pictures and post them.  Take close up shots of architecture or lots of great yard shots, but you have to put pictures up or your not giving someone with vision the chance to fall in love with your listing

Be selective-Yes we have 24 spaces in our listing service but don’t just fill them to fill them.  Take extra photos and multiple angles of the kitchen and landscaping.  Finished basements are great for multiple shots.  Closets, multiple baths and spare bedrooms all look the same so choose photos that showcase the great house above the next one.

Take time-If you are not hiring this most important part of your marketing then spend the time needed to do a great job.  Practice taking interior shots, watch videos on technique and do the work needed to take these pictures.  Also, be sure to use a photo editing software to do the basic enhancements photos need.  

Thats not a video-Doing a nicely planned and edited video tour of a home far exceeds the Tour Factory “video” we pitch.  Use the video capture feature on your nice camera and do some pan shots and walk a bouts.  But take your time and its better to not use the footage then to have a shaky poorly done one. 

Good luck and remember that most homes are looked at online way before a Realtor gets a chance to show them the house.  So the most important marketing tool you have is great visuals and complete information.


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