
The New Years Agent

Hey so you had a great 2015 and are taking […]


Hey so you had a great 2015 and are taking the time to look back and make plans for improvements in the next year, 2016.  Put yourself in a list of thousands of Realtors and salespeople that do this every year with nothing but exciting new goals to apply to their business life.  And thats about where it ends.  I typically put zero weight or reliance on a new years resolution list handed to me or shared because the majority of Realtors do not know how to implement what looks like some really great ideas.  One of the struggles of Realtors is taking planning, strategy and goal setting from the idea stage and into the “doing” stage, but thats just what separates the top producers from everyone else.  Setting goals and planning is good but its just a waste of time if you only do that.  Taking a plan and making it a part of a real estate  business is the greatest way to discover new opportunities as well as dial in target markets and business niches.  So I will share with you a few steps that will help you keep on track with your exciting new goals and make 2016 a great year.

  1.  Make a physical list and keep it near – Sit down and write your list out, then type it up and then place it in a spot that you will see daily.  I have a colleague that frames his ongoing goals list and sets it on his desk, staring at it daily.  I also have a friend that his background on his computer is a list of goals.  Make the list something you have to answer to each and every day.
  2. Schedule your goals – I like having goals in my head but without working directly on them they are worthless.  Set a time of a day aside to just work on those specific goals.  Every Tuesday from 10-noon sit in a quiet spot and make those expired listing connections and don’t skip that meeting.  A lunch invite, a meeting, a closing and all other things to do should conflict with this already scheduled event on your calendar.  So stick right to those goals in that time.
  3. Network – I am a firm believer in the sphere of influence and continually making good connections. What I am a big disbeliever in is hanging out with fun people thinking that your are networking as an excuse.   Plan to attend 1 new networking event each week with a goal to connect with 2 or 3 new people at each meeting.  Your friends will understand that you can’t hang out and play when you can buy them an extra round or take them golfing due to your great new business success.
  4. Sell – Planning, Meeting, Strategizing and sessions can never replace going out and selling.  Getting off your ass and taking that plan to the streets is what makes all the difference and its really the only answer to  building a business.  Implement that plan with diligence and a crazy hustle and you will see results.

I think there is so much opportunity for a Realtor to succeed and make a name for themselves if they will just put a plan into action, but it take effort.  Use these simple steps to create an accountable process as well as a proven results driven business plan and get out there.  2016 is going to be a great year and I want to witness your success.


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